Monday, July 25, 2011

Bonus Challenge - Viva Latin Dance

Hi guys,


Just counted up the points earned from last week and Zeus is still sitting on top with Athena following close behind them.


For this week’s Bonus Challenge we’re pulling out something that we did last year…..

Viva Latin Dance class Thursday night @ 7pm


Each team member that attends and participates in the whole class will earn 10 points. You must wear your Evolution t-shirt to earn the points, and we’ll have a dance off between one member from each team where extra points can be earned.


Although there is one more thing….you must get a photo of your team members some time during the class and post this up on the Genesis Fitness Remuera Facebook page. This needs to be done by this Sunday 31st otherwise you do not earn any points for your teams attendance.


The rules:

-          Evolution t-shirt must be worn (for those few who don’t have their t-shirts yet this does not include you)

-          You cannot be anymore than 10minutes late to the class

-          You cannot leave the class early

-          A photo of your team members participating in the class needs to be posted on Facebook by end of Sunday 31st

-          Have fun!




FYI…we’ve had a lot of Evolution members suggest some sort of challenge between each team that also includes the team captains.

We are definitely looking to do some sort of Bootcamp relay for the last Bonus round. It has not been decided yet what exactly will be involved in the challenge, but we’re looking to hold this the end of the last week on Saturday 3rd September.


We’re also in the midst of planning the party for the end of the 12 Week Challenge. This will also be on Saturday 3rd September and will be held at the Paddington in Parnell. The party was a big hit last year and a great end to the challenge and it would be great to have you all attend J



Keep up the good work!





Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Evolution T-Shirts Have Arrived!

Our Evolution T-shirts have finally arrived at the gym J


See one of the staff members at the gym and they’ll grab your t-shirt for you.


We may even throw in some extra points at some stage for teams wearing their t-shirts J




Keep up the good work guys!



Anna Ryder


Fitness Manager


Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 3 Bonus Challenge

This week we have a exciting challenge that involves strength and endurance. Time to put all this gym training you guys have been doing to good use!


Straight arm DB front raise hold –

5 team members must perform this exercise while a staff member times them. Depending on how long you hold the dumbbell up for, will depend on how many points you earn for your team.


The rules:


-          Bum, shoulders against the wall with head back. Feet can be a foot length away from the wall.

-          Elbows must be locked and cannot bend during the exercise

-          Women hold 3kg and men hold 7kg

-          Dumbbell must be held at shoulder height and if it drops your time is stopped

-          You must hold the dumbbell up using the correct technique and a staff member will time how long it is held for

-          For every 30seconds you will earn 5 points

-          You must make either the minute or half a minute mark otherwise you do not earn the 5 points

-          Only 5 team members are to participate

-          Challenge must be complete by Friday


Once all team members have completed the challenge, we will add up the times and you’ll earn 5points for every 30 seconds.


So amongst your teams, decide on the strongest 5 people to do the challenge and come see myself, Sia of Callum to time you for the exercise.


In case any of you are unsure of what the exercise is, I have added a photo of one of our instructors Sia performing the exercise. Sia ended up holding the dumbbell up for 2minutes and 30seconds.


Points update will be done by the end of today.



Keep up the good work guys!



Anna Ryder

Fitness Manager


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Last evening : Thanks Brendan, you were able to get my very reluctant mind and body warmed up with the outdoor workout last night You had 3 'girls' challenged with your choice of circuit training. Hopefully I can make it next Monday along with some more Ares team. We have let those Zuesians nose ahead so every point counts this week. Sam