Thursday, June 30, 2011


I posted on Facebook – we need at least 4 more to post before Sunday 5pm to get our 100 pt bonus!  Easy points – we’ve got to do it J  Perhaps if you post on the blog when you’ve posted on fb so we can check to see how many we’ve got!!

Looking forward to meeting some of you at Brendan’s training  6pm Monday!!




Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Bonus Challenge on the

“First Bonus Round Challenge!


We’re into our second week of the 12 Week Challenge and Ares is in the lead by only by a few points. Well done to all teams for a great start and commendations on the many planning and training sessions done already across all teams


This week we’ve got a Bonus Challenge where each team can earn up to 100 extra points for their team!


Just get 5 people from your team to ‘like’ the Genesis Fitness Remuera Facebook page as well as write the answer to this question in the ‘comment’ section on the page. It’s 20 points per person that likes and comments, although only a maximum of 5 people per team can earn the 20 points each.

The riddle is this...


·         What does the abbreviation ‘MHR’ stand for in relation to exercise?


Please put your answer in the status bar on the Genesis Fitness Remuera page, along with the team name and we can go from there.

We’ll collate the points and post on Monday along with joker points.



This must be done by 5pm Sunday.


If you are not on facebook, you just need to find someone who is


Okey Dokey??





Happy updating guys






Sorry team, I’m not on Facebook so its up to 5 of you computer savvy persons to log in with the answer. I’m pretty sure I know what the answer is. I’m off to Sydney for a couple of days but I have booked Cadence (Spin) to get my 4th session in for the week on Sunday. Great going team being in front, first up. I see we also have 2 new members. Wonderful, I hope to meet up with you at Brendan’s work out on Monday.     Sam

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The A-Team!!!

Hi gang,


So we’re off to a flying start: first place on the leader-board after week one, with 147 points to Zeus’ 140. Well done everyone!


So far I’ve seen three of you to go through new programmes, and will be catching up with others during the week. Do let me know if you have any questions about your training.


Several of you have already started on your group fitness classes for this week, which is great news as it’s Joker Card week, so try to make the most of it by getting three different classes in. Go for ones you’re not sure about, then that just leaves you needing to do your two favourite classes twice each to get maximum points for the month :)


Our team group workouts will start next Monday, 4th of July, at 6pm for 1 $10 donation. (More than Rick’s sessions I know, but I’d like to keep these small and focussed for our group, so you get a bit more individual attention.) Please let me know if you want to join in so I can plan the session, but don’t let that put you off if you decide you’d like to come at the last minute- we can always adapt as we go. It might be a good idea to vary the days of the group workouts, so people who can’t make one can get to the other, so I was thinking about alternating between Monday and Wednesday at 6pm- let me know what you think. I’d also like to do a morning session, which I could also do on Monday and Wednesday at 7am if we can get three or four of you interested.


How are you all doing with your nutrition? Well, I hope, but if you’re finding it hard, don’t give up. Just find one thing that you can change, and make that a habit to stick to for the next week. Once you’ve got that one nailed down for a week, choose another thing and work on that. Try to make sure that rather than saying “I won’t eat XXXX”, which is really difficult to achieve, you find something to replace it with, so you say “Instead of eating XXXX I will eat YYYY”. That’s a far more successful strategy, as you focus on what you can have rather than what you can’t.


Do use the blog to post up any ideas you have on nutrition, as just working out what to eat in place of what you’re used to can be tricky and it’s great to have other people’s input. Here’s one to get you started:

Instead of reaching for a sweet snack like a cereal bar or sticky bun, I will sometimes have an apple, sliced up and with a bit of cottage cheese on top. Add in a handful of nice nuts like almonds or brazils, and I’ve got a healthy, nutritious and tasty snack that has a good portion of protein in the cottage cheese, some healthy fats in the nuts, and I still get a touch of sweetness with just a small portion of good carbs from the apple. Give it a try.


Lastly, some of you expressed an interest in the RunIt running groups. You can download a flyer with further details of the Tuesday and Saturday sessions here, and don’t forget there’s also a Thursday evening run at 6:30 now as well. Remember, unfortunately this one doesn’t count towards the challenge, as it’s not an official gym class, and I won’t take offence if you don’t come, but if you would like to give it a try it would be great to see you there. And don’t worry, we can cater for all abilities from beginner up :)


That’s all for now. You should be really pleased with the great start you’ve made, so keep up the hard work and you’ll soon see the results.




Kick Boxing

Morning, I reluctantly took myself off to Kick Boxing last evening. I had been up to the practice shed behind the gym last year a couple of times during that evolution challenge. There were 20 or so people there both experienced and beginners. I was partnered with a lady called Jo who who made my small, knobly frame look pathetic. My goodness could she pack a slick, loud, well timed kick. The instructor relieved me of my punch bag supporting duty while she did her round. All in all it was great. Lots of good warm up exercises with encouraging instruction. I do have my own gloves but last night those without swapped about. Bit sweaty but what the hell . Remember to take your own water. Tis thirsty work.  Cheers Sam

Sunday, June 26, 2011




From: Paul Murray []
Sent: Sunday, 26 June 2011 2:50 p.m.
To: ''


Hi all


Rick is running a boot camp style training session on Wednesday mornings at 5.45am for $5 a head.


This is not exclusively for Athena members and we thought it might be a bit of fun (yeah rite!) to throw it open to other teams and perhaps even partake in a little healthy competition. Trainers are also welcome!


Let’s get this challenge cranking!!!!



Friday, June 24, 2011

Hello all

Welcome to the team Sam. We look forward to meeting you and yes, we agree, we have an awesome ‘God’J

Great notes on the nutrition thanks Brendan – we’ll definitely refer to those on our attempt to lose some ‘body fat’ J

Chris, Di & I managed to do our 4 visits to the gym this week and these are the classes we’re booked in for the  Joker week, next week.

Mc2                      Monday 5pm (Cilla & Di)

Active Fit             Monday 5.30pm (Chris)

Boxing                  Tuesday 6pm (Chris & Di)

Yoga                      Tuesday 6pm (Cilla)

Reflex                   Wednesday 6.30pm (all 3)

Spin                       Thursday 6pm (all 3)

It would be great if you could book into some of the above with us!

See you at the gym!

Chris, Cilla & Di






Thursday, June 23, 2011


Sorry, I forgot to add my name to ‘In Awe’. That’s what happens when you’re an old girl like me. I am Sam Hall.

In Awe

G’day fellow team members, I must say I am feeling lucky to have landed into Team Ares. What an awesome God. I participated in the Evolution challenge last year and enjoyed the whole experience, especially the fun team stuff. I’m looking forward to meeting you. Thanks Brendan for an update on the rules and pointers as I missed the intro night and nutrition seminar.




Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hi Again,


Good to see lots of you at last night’s nutrition seminar. For those of you who missed it, and those of you who want a reminder, here are a few notes on the key points:


·         Take time to plan your meals- time spent on eating right is time you don’t need to spend working out to burn off the fat. Think nutrition not diet; give your body good, fresh, nutrient rich food to keep it healthy and working well for you

·         Drink water- lots of it. Start as soon as you wake  up, and keep sipping all day. 25-30mls/kg of body weight per day. Tea/coffee/juice etc don’t count

·         Drink more water! An extra litre for every hour of exercise. Why is water so important? Because without being fully hydrated your body can’t work properly and get the full benefits of exercise and burn off fat

·         DON’T follow the traditional food pyramid- it’s outdated and just plain WRONG! In fact a grain-based, carb heavy diet is believed to be the cause of the current obesity epidemic, as well as a major contributor to heart disease, diabetes, cancers, depression, high blood pressure and more

·         Eat 9+ servings a day of vegetables, lean protein (chicken, fish, red meat, eggs, protein powder etc), and little or no grains or starchy carbs. Do eat good fats; they make you feel full and therefore less likely to snack

·         Eat varied, local, seasonal, colourful produce. The fresher, the better. Variety is good- have lots of different colours on your plate.

·         Eat until you’re 80% full. Chew each mouthful 30-40 times to slow down your consumption. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to realise you’re full, so if you eat till you feel full, you’ve already overeaten

·         What are good carbs? Veg, salads and a small amount of fruit (1-2 pieces per day max). Avoid bread, cereals, cakes, pasta, rice, flour, potato and sugar (including sugary drinks). At each meal have 2 palms or a whole handful of healthy veg and salad. If you have ‘poor choice’ carbs, then a portion  is only 1/3 of your palm!

·         Good protein: any protein is good, so long as it’s not fried or burnt. Eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, Tofu, lamb, game, beef, yoghurt (plain and add your own fruit), soft cheeses. How much? 1- 1 ½ the size and thickness of your palm

·         Fats are good! Raw or cold fats including nuts and seeds, avocado and avocado oil, flax oil, coconut oil (great for stir fries), olive oil, nut oils. Don’t overheat and burn oils- they will become carcinogenic. Use 2 fingers worth of solid fats, or 1 tablespoon of liquid fats per meal

·         Eat well within 1 hour of exercise; this is when your body is best able to process the nutrients

·         If you have snacks then a portion is three fingers’ worth; mainly protein and a little carbohydrate

·         NB: the palms, hands and fingers above are yours, not your friend’s who is 6 foot 6 with hands that themselves are the size of dinner plates! Your portions need to match your body size :)


Like exercise, make nutrition a habit you can maintain long after the 12 week challenge is forgotten:


·         Don’t skip meals

·         Chew your food and enjoy each mouthful

·         Eat fresh, local, colourful and varied food. Eat less packaged food.

·         Eat more veg and salad, plenty of protein, and as little carbs as you can manage

·         Eat to hunger, not habit (despite what your mother told you, you don’t have to finish everything on your plate)

·         Drink water, all day, every day

·         Eat smaller meals- use smaller plates (it really does make a difference!)

·         Avoid high fat foods, sugar and alcohol (but you can have a small glass of wine a few times a week. Preferably a nice red)


Lastly, if you don’t manage to stick to all of that, don’t give up. Just because you didn’t manage it today, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try tomorrow. Change takes time, and new habits take even longer, so be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up just because you sneaked a treat in! Just resolve to keep on doing your best.


As always, give me a shout if you have any questions.




Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Let's Get This Party Started

Hi Everyone,


First of all welcome to teams Ares and congratulations on signing up for the Genesis Evolution 12 Week Challenge!


It was great to see a few of you at the information meeting last night. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we currently have eight in our team:

Roy Champtaloup

Priscilla & Chris Keep

Dianne Moffitt

Matthew Gilligan

Adrienne Bartle

Sheena & Kirk Gibson


We may have a couple more join us at the 8 weeks to go stage, so watch this space.


My job as your team PT is mainly to try and keep you all on track and motivated, coming to the gym regularly and answer any questions you have. But before we do any of that I’d like to get you all together to meet you all and for you to meet each other.


Several of you have already said you can make a short (15-20 minute) meeting at the gym at 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday) so it would be great if as many as possible can turn up for that. Let me know if you can or not.


Also really important is the nutrition seminar by Tarryn & Jen from Discover Health this evening at 7pm. Last year’s participants found this a really good, helpful session, full of practical advice, and there’s a Q&A session at the end, so please do try to get to this one. Good nutrition is the foundation for your training, so it’s really important to get it right.


What else do I need to tell you? Please see Juddy’s intro below for details on how the points work, and ask me if you have any questions. Do give some different classes a try- you might even find you really enjoy them! Next week is a great chance to try some classes you’re not sure about and get your ‘Joker card’ so you can focus on your favourite classes for the next couple of weeks.


Oh, T-shirts! I have all your T-shirt sizes from your registration forms, but if you’re not sure then have a chat with reception at the gym as we have some spares from last year which you can try on, and then let me know by our meeting tomorrow so we can get them ordered.


Next, have you got a program that you follow at the gym? If not, let me know and we can meet to take you through something suitable and get you off to a good start. I’ve already got Dianne & Priscilla booked in for Monday, so give me a shout if you need some inspiration.


I’ll be organising some free team training sessions along the way, but if three or four of you want to get together and chip in $10 each then I have some early morning or evening slots in which we can do some fun and testing group workouts, so let me know if you’re interested.


And if you haven’t booked in for your BIA testing (tells you not just your weight, but how much is fat and how much is muscle, and where you should be headed), then it’s really important you give the gym a call on 520 3455 and get yourself booked in ASAP. We’ll be doing it again at the end of the challenge to see how everybody’s done. (And I know you’ll all do great! :)


Right, that’s enough waffle for now! Please make use of the blog to keep in touch with me and each other. It’s real easy to do: just send an email to and it’ll get posted here. It’s a really good way of organising to meet up, posting what classes you’ve been up to and how you enjoyed them and keeping each other motivated and on track.


Give me a shout if you have any questions, hope to see you all at the nutrition seminar at 7 tonight and for a quick team chat at 6 tomorrow. Hopefully that way we all meet and catch up and get started on making this a great 12 weeks!




Welcome to 2011 Evolution Challenge

Welcome everyone!!!


Well here we go again and I would like to take this chance to welcome back all the folk who were part of the challenge last year, and also give props to those of you who are trying it out for the first time, I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed.

We had a great meeting last night and i would like to help over the next few weeks answer any questions that you think you might have. Remember that you can contact you’re trainer for assistance and where they cant help, feel free to ask me directly or email


So just to go over last night the rules and conditions i have attached them below



evolution 2011

12 week assisted lifestyle programme


Points for your team can be occurred by:

3 visits to the gym in a week = 10 points

4 visits to the gym in a week = 15 points

4 different Group Fitness classes in four weeks = 20 points

7 different Group Fitness classes in four weeks = 30 points

The points for attendance to Group Fitness classes are tallied over four week periods.

You must bring your swipe tag and swipe at reception for your visit to count. If you do not have your tag then inform staff at reception who can put you through.

Group Fitness classes must be booked and your name must be written on the class sign in sheet to earn the points.


We will also be playing what we have called the ‘Joker Card’.

To make it easier for those who are prepared to do some hard work every now and then, we have a sneaky bonus to try for.

During the first week of every four week period, if you’re able to get to three different Group Fitness classes in that one week, then for the remaining three weeks you can choose two of your favourite Group Fitness classes, and participate in those twice to the total of 7 Group Fitness classes for the four weeks.

The four week periods for the Group Fitness points to be earned are as follows:

Monday 20th June to Sunday 17th July (Joker Card week Monday 27/06 to Sunday 3/7)

Monday 18th July - Sunday 14th August (Joker Card week Monday 18/07 to Sunday 24/07)

Monday 15th August - Friday 2nd September (Joker Card week 15/08 to 21/08)

**Last installment will only be 3 weeks

These don't include the points we award for weight loss and muscle gain, which is measured by Discover Health at the beginning and end of the competition. Discover Health do the official weigh in, including BIA test at the start to correctly measure the body fat percentage and muscles mass. The BIA testing sessions are as follows: Tuesday 21st 3pm - 7pm, Wednesday 22nd 10am - 12pm and Thursday 23rd 3pm - 7pm. If you have not booked for a BIA test yet please do so at reception.

Every two weeks we will have ‘Bonus’ challenges where you can earn extra points for your team. Your team captains will inform you of upcoming bonus challenges.

Each Evolution participant has 2 x 1 week dispensation. If you’re away due to illness, work, holidays or injury, we have a system where the average points of your team mates will also be given to you.


Now if this doesn’t clarify some things for you then please ask your team captains, or contact us at the gym.

Remember to please


·         Confirm your shirt sizes to your team captains

·         Please pay your $99 entry fee

·         Book in for your BIA if you haven’t already


Ok... now get busy




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